

  • libxp

  • libbpf

Initial Setup

  1. Build & install dependencies

In order to build the xdpiface you would need to clone and install the libxp and libbpf shared libraries. For a Debian based machine you can start by following the instructions bellow:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y git clang llvm libelf-dev m4 libpcap-dev gcc-multilib build-essential cmake linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-cloud-tools-generic linux-tools-5.19.0-38-generic linux-cloud-tools-5.19.0-38-generic pkg-config

Additional and complete information on the setup can be found in the official xdp-tutorial

To build & install libxp and libbpf:

$ git clone https://github.com/xdp-project/xdp-tools
$ cd xdp-tools
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd lib/libbpf/src
$ sudo make install


Note that `libbpf` build artefacts may be deployed in `/usr/lib64`.

To add /usr/lib64 to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH use the following commands:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64/
$ sudo ldconfig

Build & install xdpiface lib

The process to build and install the xdpiface is pretty standard for a cmake build system.

$ git https://github.com/IlievIliya92/xdp_iface.git
$ cd xdp_iface
$ mkdir build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

Validate the installation

In the resulting build directory there should be a test application named: xdpiface_app This application simply loads the xdp_sock_bpf.o object to the lo interface and sends a batch of packets which is received and printed on the stdout. To run the application:

$ cd build
$ sudo ./xdpiface_app

To quit the application use Ctrl + C


In order to load the bpf program and bind the xdp socket you would need administrative privileges.

Bindings usage

To test the bindings there is a similar test application which resides in the corresponding bindings/ directory for each of the supported languages.


cd bindings/cpp/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo ./xdpiface_app_cpp


cd bindings/go/xdpiface
go test -c
sudo ./xdpiface.test


cd bindings/python/
sudo python3 xdpiface_app.py


cd bindings/rust/libxdpiface-sys
sudo cargo test -- --nocapture

Virtual Machine deployment

Currently VM image is supported for Fedora37 to build & install the VM follow the instructions below:

cd builds/vm/fedora
sudo ./prepare_runner.sh
sudo ./build_vm.sh
sudo ./install_vm.sh

To verify the installation and check that the VM is up and run:

virsh list
 Id   Name    State
 40   f37vm   running

To log in to the running VM:

ssh root@

The login details are:

  • Username: root

  • Password: fedora

The deployment directory of the xdp_iface is located under /home/xdp_iface_workdir/. The build artefacts should resided under the /home/xdp_iface_work_dir/xdp_iface/build.